pb zezo block to pass 60W in tara race

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g1vaguealame | 2022-01-22 | 21:32:00
i think zezo block 59 to 60W in tara race

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zezo | 2022-01-22 | 22:32:30
That's the Falklands gate. Check "Ignore gates" and select appropriate destination to see if it makes any difference.

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g1vaguealame | 2022-01-23 | 04:00:33
but we can pass in middle faklands

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g1vaguealame | 2022-01-23 | 04:00:56
but we can pass in middle faklands

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g1vaguealame | 2022-01-23 | 04:03:03
ok ty

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theo | 2022-02-20 | 17:25:46
I got the same in Car.600. It does work though by "ignore gates"