Navigating to "xxx.0" TWA

Hi All,
Sorry if this has already been covered (search function would be great).
I think I've noticed a trend with some of the big name boats and so maybe it's coincidence...
When I use the dashboard and look at another top boat's TWA, a lot of the time I see: 145.0.
On my boat I'm always between .1 and .4 different. ie. 145.3
When I view the polars, the polar indicates for a given set of conditions that 145.0 TWA is the optimum. I see the good guys TWA set to 145.0. I can't get that to happen on my boat and I usually see something like 145.1 - 145.4.
Is there a way to set my boat's TWA to an exact number? Is this a reason why some boats are just sooo fast all the time because they are more often sailing the optimum angle?
Thanks in advance!
Irish Temper

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