Problem to Load zero route in
Post by iconPost by Waldorf | 2020-11-15 | 10:39:22

Hello all,

Even following the instruction below, when i upload the file in, i got the following error message : ✕ Unsupported file type or ✕ File content is not valid if i save it in Xml format

...::: Click on GPX button for generate file :::...
Select All | Copy selection | Paste on your text editor | Save the file with the .gpx extension

Platform MAC
Texteditor Apple

Thanks for your help

commenticon 39 Comments
Post by iconPost by MidnightFoiler | 2020-11-15 | 12:40:42
you need to make sure the filename has a .gpx extension - something like route.gpx
Post by iconPost by WilliWau | 2020-11-15 | 13:25:43
Where is the GPX button located?
Post by iconPost by torned | 2020-11-19 | 22:22:35
It's an another extention You can download it in the webstore:
Route Mono Race
Proposé par : GeGaX

Post by iconPost by Velaska | 2020-11-15 | 13:58:37
sorry I am not able to load an image directly, click this...

Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2020-11-15 | 13:59:45
TextEditor by default saves in Rich Text format.

In TextEditor menu bar, Format>Make Plain Text

Then save. Then using finder, rename the file so that it has a .gpx extension only, removing the .txt that is automatically appended. If you can find a way to get it to save directly without adding the .txt, then let me know.
Post by iconPost by urbicande | 2020-11-15 | 14:39:15
Hello BooBill, although zezo has been my favorite router for 10 years, the VR.Zen router can generate a .gpx.
Post by iconPost by taberly | 2020-11-15 | 14:55:47
Hello everyone
When we have pasted the route in, we lose all the routing data (date, time, position ..).
Am I doing things wrong? is there a trick?
thank you for your reply
good afternoon

ps: sorry for the translation (google is my friend)
Post by iconPost by WakeUp650 | 2020-11-15 | 16:10:01
Oups, same question just above ;)
Hello, I've just discovered this functionnality and I've loaded my route in Windy.
This is just so good :-D
However I'd like to have information with the points, date and time on the route.
I cannot do it but maybe someone knows how to do that?
Thank you.

Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2020-11-15 | 17:04:15
If you look at the .gpx file, the time info is all there. That's a question. If you find the answer, please post.

I have been cross-referencing with Zezo map to find critical points on Windy map.
Post by iconPost by urbicande | 2020-11-15 | 17:47:53
Hello, I got the file from Route Zezo, added the .gpx extension, imported into Windy and by clicking on a point on the track we have position information and indication in relation to the GMT time on the window " About the place "

Post by iconPost by taberly | 2020-11-15 | 20:07:42
Good evening
in fact to have the timestamp of the route, you have to convert the gpx file to kml at this address:
and import the kml file into Windy.

tip found by Paulo (boat: L'�tranger@TPN)

Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2020-11-15 | 18:22:36
Okay, I'm not getting that. If I click on route line, I get a balloon that pops up with distance to the point, in meters, and speed, which is always infinite.

How are you getting the "about the place" window?
Post by iconPost by WakeUp650 | 2020-11-15 | 19:11:20
Yes if you right clic on the route, select 'forecast for this place' then it opens a window where you have information 'about the place'. But those information concern the position, the GMT time, sunset time, sun rise time, ... but not the timestamp of the routing so you could move the weather forecast to this date/time to see the expected conditions for this specific date/time :(
That is what I am (we are) looking for.
Post by iconPost by urbicande | 2020-11-15 | 19:32:12
Different plugins are available in the menu which allow, among other things, to move the progression of the winds at a given time, friends does not replace the ZEZO router.

Post by iconPost by urbicande | 2020-11-15 | 19:55:45
The trajectory plugin among others

Post by iconPost by taberly | 2020-11-15 | 20:10:12

Good evening
in fact to have the timestamp of the route, you have to convert the gpx file to kml at this address:
and import the kml file into Windy.

tip found by Paulo (boat: L'�tranger@TPN)
Post by iconPost by JohnT | 2020-11-15 | 20:27:43
Thanks Paulo - very useful; and for anyone else who wants to skip the step of flipping to the English UI, the URL is:
JohnT aka Truffle Hunter
Post by iconPost by urbicande | 2020-11-15 | 20:18:31
I am also using a "BaseCamp" GPS software on which we can also import the Route Zezo file in.gpx, no wind but the exact times on each waypoint are available. A lot of work that does not replace the Zezo router once again.
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2020-11-15 | 22:00:38
Thanks taberly. That converter does the trick.
Post by iconPost by WakeUp650 | 2020-11-15 | 22:09:27
@Taberly (and Paul) This is so cool. Thank you very much. This zezo forum is such a nice and helpful place. I really enjoy how people help each other. This is nice :-D
Post by iconPost by Earwen | 2020-11-18 | 11:58:50
Hello ! Sorry, I can't find the GPX button...
Post by iconPost by JohnT | 2020-11-18 | 21:17:54
Hi Earwen,
You need the Route extension; it's only active on the Zezo chart page; click on it, and the gpx button should show up below the table of positions.
Post by iconPost by WilliWau | 2020-11-19 | 21:24:01
Hi, where is the ZEZO chart page? It is not on the MAP page?
Post by iconPost by JohnT | 2020-11-20 | 01:37:46
The Zezo chart page for each race is on this website under "The Charts" tab ...from your question, it sounds as though you may be looking at the Map tab on the dashboard?
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2020-11-19 | 21:29:38
The .gpx button is generated by a chrome extension called "route"

It is not the same as the Dashboard extension. This one you click when you are in the Zezo route map. It produces a dropdown of all your navigation points in tabular form along with some other useful info, like avg bearing or TWA.

At the bottom of that dropdown you will see a little button marked ".gpx"
Post by iconPost by WilliWau | 2020-11-20 | 07:20:00
What is the difference between Extract route for MultiRaces versus MonoRace?
Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2020-11-20 | 07:21:31
Post by iconPost by Furious | 2020-11-21 | 09:05:36
To BooBill, Taberly & toxcct,

Many Thanks guys well done on this and well explained.
I just uploaded my first gpx and klm files to windy.....brilliant to say the least.

Appreciate all that you do on here....


Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2020-11-21 | 10:24:50
Want to take it to the next level?

After you've loaded your .kml file in Windy, click the hamburger again, select "load plugin," scroll down to "Regadata" and open that pluginn. That will overlay the positions and tracks of the real boats.

Of course, by clicking the "snowflake" beside a real boat's name in the Fleet tab of Dashboard you can generate a route for any of the real boats, and then load that in Windy as an alternative. Of course that will generate a route based on the VR polars, which will be different than the real polars, but, kind of fun anyways.
Post by iconPost by urbicande | 2020-11-21 | 11:11:51
And much more!
Post by iconPost by Furious | 2020-11-21 | 20:50:08
Thanks BooBill, you are so helpful....much appreciated.
Now just slow down a tad, so I can catch up to you in the
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2020-11-21 | 21:39:33
I've told you before Furious. You want to do well, just follow meeeeeeee!
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2020-11-21 | 23:49:37
Good luck with that.
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2020-11-22 | 02:39:22
You followed me to Mauritius and did pretty darn well.
Post by iconPost by Furious | 2020-11-22 | 05:49:58
Yeah I know Boo but as I was just about to finish....they canned the race.....grrrrr

Post by iconPost by Furious | 2020-11-22 | 05:57:54
YourMom, the BooBill is sooooooo fast and very hard to rope in, especially once he gets the jump on ya...just maybe I can learn from my mistakes this race.....It ain't looking that good at the moment though..... Ha Ha Ha

I just keep on thinking about being on your

Post by iconPost by moutonrebel | 2021-01-02 | 18:42:11
Thank you for all of these informations, it is very cool.

I manage to create the gpx file in the notepad and save it as gpx. I manage to upload any .gpx file into windy and it works perfectly fine. However, I am having trouble converting .gpx file into .kml using anyconv or gpx2kml.

Google earth do not recognize the gpx file neither.

Is there any subtilities I missed?

Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2021-01-03 | 00:02:26
Where is the problem? Getting anyconv to accept the .gpx, or Windy to accept your .kml?

It's a three step process with anyconv. Drag your .gpx into the window. Click convert, then click download. The .kml should be in your downloads folder.
Post by iconPost by moutonrebel | 2021-01-03 | 04:04:55
I can upload the .gpx into windy and it works.
The problem is I cannot convert the .gpx into .kml to upload a .kml into windy.

On anyconv I keep having an error message after pressing convert. So I do not have a download button available.

On gpx2kml, after pressing convert, gpx2kml shows: Error while parsing the xml format of your file. Make sure the file is valid.

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