Post by iconPost by LaughingSallyLRT | 2019-12-11 | 00:15:26

My question is. By making a 1 to say 5 degree trim adjustment, is there a time penalty? Also what are the time penalties for a tack or gybe?

Thank you LaughingSally

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Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2019-12-11 | 05:15:52
No time penalty for a course change, until you tack or gybe.
The same time penalty below also applies for a sail change though.

The penalties normally depends on the boat (they are coded in the boat characteristics), but so far, they always have been the same, which is:

For a Tack, a Gybe, or a SailChange, the penalty is a 50% speed during:
- 300 seconds if you don't equiped you boat with the Pro Winch,
- 75 seconds otherwise.

If you happen to have 2 or 3 of these penalties at the same time (you tack + change the sail at the same time for instance), they are cumulated, which means that your speed falls to 25% of its normal speed for the same amount of time (which is better than having 2 full penalties of 50% overall).

Here is an extract from the boats raw polars data:

Post by iconPost by LaughingSallyLRT | 2019-12-11 | 12:57:24
Excellent thank you for clearing that up.

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