Post by iconPost by Gonads | 2017-12-20 | 21:57:13

I am in 44,800th place.
This because i suck at the VR game and refuse to spend the 600 credits.

with great pride i see another Dutchman taking the lead for the last miles leading into Melbourne. so, through him I win a bit as well; Vicariously............. :)

Just wanted to share this with the community here ;)

commenticon 17 Comments
Post by iconPost by Alex Wind | 2017-12-21 | 14:11:38
I have never seen a race so close, only 6 miles between the 1st and the 500th !!!
I am around 100, and I hope finish in the top 100. It's very HOT !

Post by iconPost by MichelleWhy | 2017-12-21 | 14:49:29
And it's completely uncertain who will take the win. First 10 boats within a mile with a small advantage for those coming from behind due to decreasing breeze right at the front. Quite exctiing!

Post by iconPost by CaptKAOS | 2017-12-21 | 20:51:42
the whole race was like sailing on a highway, quite boring actually, no real alternative routes, no winner who came out of nowhere. Being away for a long time I wasn't aware of the autosail issue, here I was asking myself why the feck I was losing places by the dozen, because of the one way route everybody stuck together and every mistake resulted in a heavy penalty.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-12-21 | 21:06:15
The following legs should provide more diversity.

Auckland-Itajai is two races in one - like the current one to Cape Horn and then like a separate race up to Itajai.
Post by iconPost by nsp | 2017-12-22 | 00:32:10
Not with that lacking of alternatives, even with the lemming effect, at least I got one to go from top 50 (even number 1 at a given time...must have been the fake ranking, but I got a screenshot for one day to show my to 628th. In this case I would prefer no alternatives at all :))

This time Zezo was right and I was wrong!! grrrr

With the boring..I agree. But when someone tries to be different sometimes this things happen.

Post by iconPost by CaptKAOS | 2017-12-22 | 14:04:52
I noticed usually Cvetan rarely follows the Zezo chart advised route, especially in the last Clipper race. Guess is more for tactical decisions rather than strategical. Like you I was in top 100 and ended 658 because of the autosail issue I couldn't deactivate. This race was so incredible tight that every mishap resulted in massive loss of places.
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-22 | 14:39:53
strategic = long term
tactical = short term
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-22 | 14:38:00
would be nice if there are more options to explore strategical choices, like setting a few waypoints in zezo and route via them from your current boat position.

by the way, in TJV, it would be handy to have a choice for "navigate from start". that is not a logical option for races, but it is for this one.

unfortunately we cannot route the weather for 45 days ;)
Post by iconPost by fadoue | 2017-12-22 | 20:32:01
You can do that !

Just select the finish point you will target.... in the menu button....
Post by iconPost by Skully62 | 2017-12-22 | 21:09:17
That is just changing the position of where the router will take you. taking you from A to B where you are just changing the position of B. But for example, if the router is unsure and keeps changing it mind you still have position B as the finish. By add in X so you go from A-X-B. Then you can change position of X to see what the time difference between the two routes would be.

Hope that makes sense
Post by iconPost by WaterHammer | 2017-12-22 | 21:29:39
What a fuck-up VR makes in the article on the VOR site: Charlie 2010 from France ???????
Can't read their own flag?
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-12-22 | 21:37:18
Wishful thinking. There are less French flags in the top 50 than expected. Which may mean that French players are fed up with the game and refuse to pay the ransom (or the French forums are way behind us on reverse-engineering the game quirks ;-)

Post by iconPost by Charlie2010 | 2017-12-22 | 22:06:58
Im am certainly not French and I certainly have had profits from your recent reverse engeneering. Thanks for your work!
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-23 | 19:51:11
Well, at least they have the colors of the flag right ...

Vive le roi !!
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-12-22 | 22:17:25
I've always been able to do the reversing but have never bothered to do it properly.

But it really matters. This leg was probably won by the boat minimizing the sail changes, not the one on the best track. So it's worthless doing the routing without also publishing game details.
Post by iconPost by Lazy_Hikers_Finland | 2017-12-24 | 05:34:54
Hi! I am back in the VVOR race. Being Christmas and all, I decided to join the race again - it was too lonely to sail all by my self (was sailing home you know).

What a lovely feature VR offered me - the ultimate sailing game offered me a possibility - for a mere 600 of virtual currency, a possibility to hook up with the escorts. I mean the fregate, the escorts fregate. Had a few beers there (they were free for a buying customer) and jumped in ranking from 65 000 to 15 000 with 2 days of sailing. I mean - come on guys, why spend 12 days of valuable time if one can do it in 2 days.

Anyways, looking forward to the future legs - the harder the leading bunch works, the more I will profit while just waiting for the right moment to jump in to the action.

Wishing you all a Merry Merry Christmas with calm and warm winds in sailing and in life ! And Greetings From Finland - the official home of Father Christmas.

Post by iconPost by WaterHammer | 2017-12-27 | 13:58:08
Hyvää Joulua ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta!
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